Prayer Room
An exploration of new assets provided by the Cosmic Turtle supporter pack and the Vastiri Racecourse one.
On the one hand, you need at least the Vastiri Racecourse assets to run this. On the other hand, this ends up looking very PoE 2.
Initially made for personal use, decided to share. Enjoy and thank you for looking!
Views and favorites count towards visibility, so they're most welcome!
Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 230
Uses MTX: Yes
Total decorations: 230
Uses MTX: Yes
Decoration name | MTX | Count |
Cosmic Turtle Column | Yes | 6 |
Cosmic Turtle Fountain | Yes | 1 |
Cosmic Turtle Planter Box | Yes | 10 |
Cosmic Turtle Potplant | Yes | 2 |
Cosmic Turtle Tree | Yes | 2 |
Desert Pavilion | Yes | 16 |
Desert Statue | Yes | 53 |
Pitch Burner | Yes | 4 |
Potted Cactus | Yes | 4 |
Wide Light Beam | Yes | 4 |
Alva | No | 1 |
Crafting Bench | No | 1 |
Dannig, Warrior Skald | No | 1 |
Einhar | No | 1 |
Guild Stash | No | 1 |
Gwennen, the Gambler | No | 1 |
Helena | No | 1 |
Horticrafting Station | No | 1 |
Jun | No | 1 |
Kirac | No | 1 |
Map Device | No | 1 |
Niko | No | 1 |
Rog, the Dealer | No | 1 |
Sister Cassia | No | 1 |
Stash | No | 1 |
Tujen, the Haggler | No | 1 |
Waypoint | No | 1 |
Expedition Locker | No | 1 |
Heist Locker | No | 1 |
Stone Well | No | 1 |
Vaal Mummy | No | 7 |
The Last to Die | No | 1 |
Blown Leaves | No | 4 |
Maple Tree | No | 7 |
Affliction Dust | No | 3 |
Faustus, the Financier | No | 1 |
Johan, the King's Hand | No | 1 |
Maraketh Rug | No | 6 |
Oriath Ground | No | 3 |
Tasuni's Shrine | No | 25 |
Syndicate Statue | No | 1 |
Lilly Roth | No | 1 |
Rhex Statue | No | 6 |
Iron Candelabra | No | 13 |
Iron Lantern | No | 5 |
Relic Stand | No | 1 |
Blocking Volume | No | 9 |
Wood Ground | No | 4 |
Arena Petals | No | 6 |
Standing Lamp | No | 2 |
Pohutukawa Tree | No | 2 |
Latest version: 1.0
Version number | MTX | Publish date | Total favor | Total decorations | Downloads | Link |
1.0 | Yes | 2024-09-09 14:07:48 | 572,472 | 230 | 306 | Download |
1.0 | 09 Sep 2024 - 14:07
Initial release
Cosmic Turtle
Vastiri Racecourse
Sempou Temple